Navigating your way through the Climate Crisis is downright terrifying. Once you start looking and learning, it feels like you’re spiralling down a rabbit hole of panic but no action. But, we should not look away.

Sadly many governments are not taking sufficient notice of calls for climate actions and that’s why I feel a need to join and support protests, of which you can read more about here and here. Actively seeking change helps to provide hope in a situation where there is little.

Following my post 10 Instagram Accounts to Follow for Eco-Aware Living I thought it would be really useful to share resources that I have found really helpful when wanting to know more about the Climate Crisis and what I could do, hopefully these help you too.


1. Our Planet

Where to watch? Netflix

David Attenborough has come through with this absolutely stunning Netflix original. He’s taken issues to a winder audience and hopefully it will get more people interested in sustainable living. We still have a long way to go but his recent documentaries are the best in highlighting human-caused devastation to our natural world.

Visit for information on how you can help.

2. The Age of Stupid

Where to watch? BBC iPlayer

I didn’t know what to expected when the programme started on Thursday night. It stars Pete Postlethwaite living in 2055 after the devastating effects of the impending disaster that is Climate Change and looks back over all of the knowledge and pointers to a disaster that have been building up since 1980 until 2019. It’s a really interesting yet concerning watch because we continue to do nothing to stop what he is portraying.


3. Greta Thunberg

Recommended Video:

Greta Thunberg is a 16 year old activist from Sweden who started School Striking for Climate in 2018. She has since inspired the Fridays For Future and School Strike For Climate movements across the world. You can see my photos from a UK protest here. Thunberg has been nominated for a Noble Peace Prize and spoken in front of the EU. She does not want you to have hope, she wants you to act.

Follow Greta:

Instagram – @gretathunberg / Twitter – @gretathunberg

The next global School Strike for Climate is happening on the
24th May 2019.

4. George Monbiot

Recommended Article: The natural world can help save us from climate catastrophe

I first discovered George Monbiot when applying for university. His book ‘Feral’ was recommended to me by a professor and I have since discovered his Guardian column. Monbiot is a writer and environmental/political activist. He makes a strong case for rewilding and system change and is definitely someone to follow to keep up-to-date with climate change news.

Follow George:

Twitter – @GeorgeMobiot

5. Jack Harries

JacksGap was a YouTube channel I grew up watching and Jack is one half of that channel. Growing a following he has been provided with a wonderful opportunity to educate his audience on the growing threat of climate change. He does it so well with documentaries, activism and speeches and I highly recommend following him.

Follow Jack:

Instagram – @jackharries / Twitter – @jackharries

Website – / YouTube –

Jack’s twin brother Finn is also doing some amazing work in the midst of the Climate Crisis. I have linked his TEDxTeen talk below.


Photo from London’s #InternationalRebellion by Sam Knights (@samjknights) on twitter.

6. Extinction Rebellion


Recommended Read: The Truth – The Emergency

Extinction Rebellion are an activist organisation aiming for systematic change to fight and reduce the impacts of the climate and ecological crisis. They were formed in October 2018 and are the fastest growing environmentalist group. Their campaigns are for government and corporate action and are behind mass protests across the UK and the world. XR have been supported by many famous faces in the environmental activism world, including the three people listed above. You can read about why I support their most recent #InternationalRebellion here.

Business as usual costs the earth.

7. Green Peace


Recommended Read: What Declaring a Climate Emergency Looks Like

Green Peace are an environmental organisation that has been running for years. Their social media channels are brilliant for keeping up-to-date on environmental issues such as plastic pollution and palm oil, as well as climate change.

TED Talks

8. How Empowering Women and Girls Can Help Stop Global Warming by Katharine Wilkinson

Watch Here:

This is a really interesting talk about how women are vital voices and agents for change by Wilkinson who has been working on Project Drawdown. It looks at the environmental outcome if women are given more choice and how that can influence global warming and society long-term. It makes some wonderful and fascinating points.

9. A Creative Approach To Climate Change by Finnegan Harries

Finn Harries TED talk lays out his climate change journey and what has led him to looking for solutions for more sustainable living. His experience as an architect and passion for architecture reflects how you do not have to compromise what you love and feel a draw to live unsustainably.

Follow Finn:

Instagram – @finnharries / Twitter – @finnharries


10. Why I Live A Zero Waste Life by Lauren Singer

Lauren Singer is the founder of the blog Trash is for Tossers and of Package Free Shop in Brooklyn, NY. She went zero waste in 2012 and this wonderfully empowering speech outlines another way we can help our planet.

Follow Lauren:

Instagram – @trashisfortossers / Twitter – @trashis4tossers

Published by Emsi Rose

environment, travel and lifestyle blogger and ecology student 🐅

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  1. I am genuinely so interested in learning more about climate change and our planet, and also ways in which I can make a difference myself. I will definitely be checking out some of these people, especially Gretta as I have noticed some of her work previously! thanks for such a good blog post esmi! xx

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